Saturday 4 October 2014

Learn to be your own best friend!

Hey guys!

Two posts in a day! Feeling very bloggy indeed.

This post as the title suggests is about learning to be your own best friend. Now I'm not saying tell your 'best friend' you've replaced her or never let anyone get close to you. On the contrary, human interaction is an important part of life but many people underestimate the importance of being YOUR own best friend. 

Do you know many people would bulk at the idea of spending a whole  day with just themselves, or wail after a day without constant notifications on their phone that 'nobody loves them',(I know you do it! Don't lie!)  why is it such a crime to be alone, better yet how have we come to the point where spending 24 hours by yourself is unimaginable and wrong? 

Think of it this way, when you were born, you knew zero amount of people, zilch, you came out literally on your own, no bestie holding your hand or boyfriend telling you you're beautiful, When you die, again that's a task you will be doing by yourself. (No matter how much your boyfriend tells you he will die for you, it's a lie, he definitely won't, and the most your best friend can do is tell people what a great friend you were, so why is it that in the interim, we spend more time with these people than ourselves.

When are people going to start realising that you are all you have got in this world, literally! Recent events have shown me that no matter how much trust you put in someone, how close you two are, how 'tight' you are, how much you're willing to do for them, you could lose a friendship at the drop of a hat. It's that simple. People are human beings and as such nobody is perfect, They will make mistakes and that often includes, hurting or betraying you. You can't depend so much on people.  The only person you should put 100% trust in is yourself. (And you know even you can do some stupid crap at times.)

If you're like me who falls hard and fast for people and develops close relationships with people you come across, you can imagine how it must hurt to find out someone you trusted wasn't all that worthy of your trust. The best way to deal with that? Make yourself no 1! That way even if they're out of your life, you've still got your most important friend. Guess who that is? Yep, YOU! You're still there, and if no one can make you as happy or as confident or as fun as you can, losing people won't be that big a deal, cause you haven't really lost anything major.

Take time out to get to know yourself!! Spend time with yourself and enjoy it. You need people around yes, but it's more important to have yourself, trust me, people come and go (no matter how hard you try, you can't go anywhere, you're stuck with yourself) so learn to like it and finally:


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