Tuesday 19 June 2012

Make-up and its intricacies

Alright, the big make-up debate. as most of you are aware, there has been a lot going on on Youtube, Facebook, twitter, e.t.c about women wearing makeup and it being referred to as a 'lie'. Previously i had not been an active fan of make up, i didn't wear it neither did it concern me much, but last week, a friend got me some foundation for my birthday and the next morning i decided to try it on along with eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, the lot and my findings have propelled me to write this post.

First and foremost make up is most certainly not a lie!! Make up is a liquid, a liquid smeared over your face, it does not alter your facial structure in any way shape or form, it merely smoothens out your skin, any spots and facial dis-figuration you may have remains visible. plastic surgery is a lie, push up bras are a lie, saying your weave I your real hair is a lie, make up on the other hand is not a lie. Second of all, after slapping on my various architecture of make up, I was filled with this indescribable confident, i felt good in my own skin, running up to people smiling in my face, I felt comfortable, i felt good knowing that i looked good and even after i took the make up of my self esteem had certainly sky-rocketed.

It got me wondering, what could it possibly be about something that is obviously so beneficial to human society (okay this may be going a bit far) but nevertheless.. What is the big deal about wearing make up, your face is just the same, you've just enhanced your appearance a little.. When you start looking sick without it on then you have a cause for concern but anything other than this is merely human intelligence at play.. So if someone is giving you grief about wearing makeup, break their jaw!

Okay that was a joke, they put you in prison for that now but you know what i mean ;)

Introductionary :p

Hey, my name is blessing and this is my blog. I've always felt that there was a need for me to put my thoughts feelings and advice out there. Partly to help people who are in my situation, partly to release whatever emotion is building up inside me and partly because I'm a queen and I can do whatever I like. 

The point is, this is where I rant, advice, warn, encourage, support and grow. I'm not perfect, nobody is. But as I learn and become more wise,  I'm going to be sharing that with you first hand. From recipes to beauty posts (not that many of these if I'm honest) to life advice, I'm gonna lay it all down for you. 

Don't forget to comment, share and most importantly subscribe. 
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