Friday 15 April 2016

You're Not Responsible For Other People!

Hey Guys,

I know what you're going to say, where the hell have i been? That's a good question but we don't have time to get into it on this post! I also have a stir fry recipe coming up for you but in the meantime, i wanted to come and quickly talk about what's been on my mind for a while.

Lately I've found myself being super concerned with other people and the choices they make with their lives. If someone claims they're a christian but their actions and words don't really display such i get super concerned and start trying to figure out why, or if someone does or believes something that i absolutely strongly disagree with, i ponder about it for a long time wondering why? But I recently realized that It's none of my damn business! People are free to think and do whatever the hell they please, it has nothing to do with me. Part of the fact that we're individuals is that we can think the way we want and do what we want. We may not necessarily agree with someone's choice or think they're doing something good, but we're not responsible for them. Its not our job to police other people and their actions. Do you and what you think is right and let others do what they think is right.

We don't have to get all up in arms about other people's chocies and way of thinking. In the end, time will reveal all. In as much as we may want the best for our friends and the people around us, we're not responsible for them.

I don't know if you completely understand my point in this post cause it's something I'm struggling with myself but comment down below if you do! And i will see you guys hopefully soon!

Check out my Youtube Channel Here!
Love you xx