Tuesday 13 January 2015

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate!

Hey Guys!

So me and my house mate decided to watch a movie yesterday and she chose the movie 'A thin line between love and hate' featuring Martin Lawrence as  the main lead. (SPOILER ALERT)

A quick synopsis of the movie is that Lawrence is a player and he has many girls none of which he's particularly committed to. but he has a childhood friend that appears to be some sort of romantic interest. One day him and his friends sees a beautiful woman and they bet that he couldn't sleep with her. ($20- really??). Anyway, he keeps trying but it's clear she has issues so he pretends to lose interest, so she calls him back and tells him that she can't get hurt again and that can she trust him and does he love her? He says yes and makes her believe he's here to stay. Half way through she tells him she killed her ex-husband because he was abusive and rather than run for the hills like a normal human, he decides to stay and continue his nefarious antics. The next day she takes him shopping, buys him a new car, new clothes and tells him to come for dinner cause it's her birthday, rather than do this, he proclaims his love for his childhood friend, They spend the night together and he wakes up to find a cake with a knife with it outside the door. Long story short, they go on a crazy whirlwind where she almost kills him and the rest of the cast ofthe movie.

I know my brief description wasn't that brief, but here's the point of this post.
1. It is undeniable that she had some strong psychological issues but I will never understand how he could possibly think nothing was going to come of the way he treated her. You CHASED her for weeks, MADE her fall for you, made her trust you, sleep with her then turn around and decide now you wanna be serious with someone else then you wonder why they hell she went crazy. In my opinion that was HIS fault. She gave him a warning. How can someone tell you they killed their ex-husband and you stay in their bed? How is that normal? Where are your survival instincts?

2. In the end, they were thanking God for him having survived and making her out like she was wrong all along. But I personally think, what he did was GRAVELY  wrong, why should he not only not have to pay any consequences for it but also get the girl of his dreams. She did nothing but mind her business, yet he shattered her world with a bag of lies but in the end, she lost everything and the movie made it seem like Lawrence was the hero in all of this.

3. It took her having a gun to his head for him to finally apologise for the disgusting way in which he treated her. He didn't apologise when he told her he didn't want her, he didn't apologise when she saw him with someone else. He was just going to up and leave out of a psychotic woman's life. Rookie Mistake. The least he could have done was say the words sorry and the fact that he didn't think to do that till she almost blew his head off just added salt to injury.

My main point is so many Guys nowadays are walking around with this Martin Lawrence attitude. Treating girls anyhow and thinking ahh well, they'll be just fine. If they're not careful, they may just end up with a reality check like this crazy woman.

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