Saturday 17 January 2015

Why making people jealous never really works!

Hey Guys,

So I'm going to tell you a short story:

There was a girl and a boy, they liked each other,
started getting to know each other and started seeing each other,
one day they were together in a big group of friends,
Their relationship wasn't official yet so the guy didn't show any affection towards her,
he treated her like every other girl in the room,
she didn't like this so went to her room with his friend to talk,
it was purely friendly and their conversation was platonic
but she knew in the back of her mind, he would be disturbed.
When they came downstairs, she could see he was miffed,
but she acted cool, as if nothing was amiss,
he acted cool too and they started speaking again.
Only for her to find him being inappropriate with another girl,
she told him what she had saw and he reminded her she had just been upstairs with his friend,
making her think he wanted her to see him with another girl and feel the way he previously felt. 

In order to get back at him, she called another guy in his earshot
laughing and giggling, making his head turn.
The next time they went out as a group, he kissed another girl,
Right in front of her, he made the girl twirl.
Humiliated and embarrassed, the girl vowed she was done.
Believing he had only wanted her for fun.
Their relationship deteriorated and what was once sweet, became bitter. 

There is a break in the story because everything after that break was fictitious, everything before it are true life events. I put the fictitious paragraph in to tell you how quickly something that started off platonic and harmless could escalate in you losing the chance to have something real.

When you try to make people jealous, it doesn't work because 9 times out of 10 (made up statistic), they only try to make you jealous too and so the cycle begins until one of you ends up going too far and hurting the other person. Pride then kicks in, preventing you from addressing the original situation. 

You end up playing the blame game, you did this, yes because you did this, yes but that was only because you did this. When you could've spent all that time you spent arguing, being with each other. Of course there is also the possibility that the person doesn't even get jealous and instead just decides you're not worth it. In which case you find yourself in a lose-lose situation.

The point of the post? When you feel the urge to make someone jealous, think to yourself 'is it really worth it? If he retaliated, would I be able to handle it or would it hurt me more than I would be willing to admit? If you're the one on the receiving ends of these antics, rather than retaliate, why not tackle them first and let them know what they did wasn't right?

Comment below what you think and don't forget to share and subscribe.
Remember to Guard your heart Guys!

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