Sunday 22 February 2015

Perfect Imperfections- It's okay to be 'Messed up'

Hey Guys,

Happy belated valentines day...I hope you had a great time, I know I certainly did. But in the spirit of relationships, it got me thinking.

There's a certain someone I was seeing and when I was getting to know them, I kept finding out all these things about them and their past and I remember my first thought being 'Damn, they've got a lot of baggage, can I handle that?' And it did genuinely occur to me that maybe I was better off without this person;s drama.

Then I took a step back and thought but wait a minute..I'm not perfect myself! I have a past, especially ones that make me put up walls and guards and push people away even when their intentions are good. I have attitudes and behaviours that make it hard to get to me. If someone can look past all of my 'baggage' and willing make an attempt to get to know me, who am I to write someone off because of theirs.

Basically, no one is perfect, no one comes into our lives free from strings of past attachments, or emotional drama or problems. Everyone has some issues they;re dealing with, granted some people more than others and maybe some people know how to hide it more than others. Nevertheless the fact that someone has baggage doesn't mean your relationship need be any less amazing. Sometimes broken pieces can fit perfectly.

Maybe you're that someone that person needs, the ray of sunshine in their otherwise dreary life, maybe the both of you coming together can lift some of the baggage from them and make their lives happier and freer. The point is you never know until you look past your judgemental attitude and give them a chance.

The next time you're tempted to say 'They've got too much baggage, think to yourself, Am I really perfect myself?

After all We;re all a little messed up...That's the joy of life. If we were all perfect and there was nothing wrong with us, life would be a whole lot easier but way more boring. It;s the messed up part of us that makes life more interesting
and fulfilling.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Modelling Scams! Beware!

Guess who's back??

Hey Guys, so yes it has been a while, and I know this post won't be relevant to all of you but if  you have any sisters, girlfriends, friends who are or trying to get into modelling, this may be useful for them.

Basically, I have been the victim of unlimited, uncountable instances of this trend. The thing is I'm just about 5,7 and I have the kind of body shape which although draws plenty attention in the club is not exactly what the modelling world would call perfect. Basically I'm not tall and slim, so I should have known becoming a model would not be easy but in my naive mind when they told me I was gorgeous and this and that, I let myself believe the lies and that is all they are...Lies!

There are now 'modelling agencies' everywhere who will post an ad on gumtree, the internet, or even have websites where you send in a picture of you and they call you telling you you're everything they want and they will get you plenty of jobs. Sounds great right? No, they tell you they have so many jobs lined up only for them to tell you  you just need a portfolio first. Magically they always have their own personal photographer that YOU have to use because they never trust anybody else. Long story short, you go for some crappy photo-shoot, you pay over money and you never hear from them again.

I have been subject to so many of these, I feel so ashamed to even tell you how much, having spent over £1200. All I ended up with was a bunch of pictures that each new 'agency' would say is not professional enough. 

1. You never need to pay to join a reputable modelling agency. If you have to pay, think twice.

2. It is more likely that modelling agencies will discover you themselves, if you had to send your picture in to some dodgy website, think twice.

3. scope the environment when you go in...if it looks unprofessional and it's just 2 or 3 people in a warehouse office, think would a reputable agency capable of getting me loads of work have such a crap office. 

4. Portfolio is not built in a day, all you need are some good natural head shots and poses to sell yourself. Portfolios are supposed to show your versatility, this wont be portrayed through just one shoot.

Basically just be careful, if someone is offering you something which seems to good to be true, chances are it is actually too good to be true.  
There are so many of these scam agencies in London especially but also in Manchester, feel free to hit me up, I'll gladly give you their names. 
Better to be rejected from a reputable company than swindled by these fortune hunting scammers.

 I put in some of the pictures I ended up in various photoshoots, they were never good enough and I always had to take some new ones.