Wednesday 30 November 2016

How to make Chewy Chocolatey Brownies Recipe.

Today, I am going to be walking you through how to create these delicious chocolate brownies. They are so quick and easy to make and you can fill them with a variety of milk, white and dark chocolate and you can make them as decadent as you choose.

- 125g unsalted butter (though I found any baking butter will do)

- 125g dark chocolate chopped. (I tend to add a little bit more for that decadent richness)

-3 eggs, lightly whisked
-250g of Caster sugar (feel free to vary this depending on how sweet you like to have it)
-115g Sifted Plain flour
- 30g Cocoa Powder
- Pinch of Salt
-Chocolate Chips (optional)

(Whilst there are some ingredients that you can vary, try to stick to the measurements as best as possible as deviation from them may lead to a change in the consistency of the brownies and ultimately failure in the pursuit of delicious brownie perfection.) 

Steps to a delicious brownie
1. Set the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Fill a pan with water and start to boil the water. Next take the chopped up chocolate and the cut up butter, put them in a bowl on top of the water ensuring that the bowl does not touch the water. Stir periodically and eventually it should be a smooth blend of the two.

 It's best to use a metal or stainless steel pan for this as it works quicker in melting the mixture as opposed to plastic. 

2. Once completely melted, add in the other ingredients, the flour, sugar, egg, cocoa powder, salt and mix altogether.

3. Once you have a thoroughly mixed mixture, add in your chocolate chips, for this recipe, I used broken pieces of dark chocolate bars. (The expensive kind) to give it a richer taste.

4. Grease a tin of the appropriate size with butter/ or grease-proof paper. Pour the mixture into the pan, using your wooden spoon to smooth it over at the top.
Do not lay the mixture too thickly as it will rise and you could end up with a brownie piece that's too thick.
It would be best to have it at about 3-4 cm from the bottom of the pan.

5. Put the mixture in the oven and leave for about 30 minutes-45 minutes, checking on it regularly. It does not take long to cook, and if you put a fork into the brownie, it should come up with crumbs clinging to it. (The fork does not need to come up clean.)

Set aside for a while to cool and enjoy your brownies. 

Don't forget to share the recipe and subscribe to the blog for more delicious recipes.

Make sure to follow me on social media and show me your own creations.

Twitter: @Cocoa_Infusions               Instagram: @Cocoa_infusion                 Snapchat: Blessbox

Check out my other recipes here and here!

Friday 2 September 2016

You Will Change! #LifeLesson6

Almost a year ago I started the life lesson series on this blog and promised to give you guys 7 life lessons but as I wrote more and more life lessons, I loved the series and decided to make it a permanent feature on the channel. As life would have it, I haven't done a life lesson in almost 9 months but today I have a short and quick life lesson for you.

The life lesson is that you will change. You will grow. You will develop. You will do things you swore you would never do,change your mindset, give up things you treasure, let people go that you cherish. You will change and that is absolutely definitely positively okay. You are human and the way that we think and reason constantly changes! You do not owe anyone your stagnancy. Anyone who can't get on board with the fact that you've upgraded your thinking or your mindset needs to hit the exit sign real quick.

People like to throw the phrase 'you've changed' in a bid to hamper your self esteem and keep you shackled to their stagnant regressive mentality and it's up to you to resist that. Life happens to the best of us and along with it comes change, growth and self development. Yes you have changed over the years and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Embrace your journey, its yours and no one elses.

Feel free to check out the other LifeLessons:
LifeLesson1: Click Here!
LifeLesson2: Click Here!
LifeLesson3: Click Here!
LifeLesson4: Click Here!
LifeLesson5: Click Here!

Feel free to check out my Youtube Channel here and subscribe.
See you later xx

Friday 19 August 2016

5 University/College Myths Debunked!

Hey Guys,

As you should know I am a recent Law graduate (Glory be to God) and I have a lot of knowledge to share about the rollercoaster that is University so get ready to see a few posts about that. In this post, I'm just going to be sharing with you a few myths that have always surrounded university and whether or not they turned out to be true.

1. You will find your husband/wife in University.
This is by far the biggest myth propagated about life at University. Whilst there is ample chance to meet lots of men and women in university, the chances of them being your happily ever after are very slim. This is because what noone tells you about the people at uni is that after having a somewhat restricted dating life, they are coming to university with the intention to have fun and take complete advantage of their freedom hence getting 'wifed' up is the least of their worries.
Some people do meet their life long partners at uni even if they don't know it at the time but sadly that is not the case for the majority of people so just be very aware of that.

2. First year doesn't count.
Another silly myth that is spread ever so enthusiastically. This is a dangerous myth because it suggests that you can slack off and do whatever you want in your first year and you will still be okay  and sadly this is just not true. First of all, first year actually does count for some people (yes they are unlucky i know). Secondly if you do not pass first year, honey you will find yourself out on your a** and not in second year. It's a low threshold to pass admittedly but you certainly still have to pass. And thirdly, applying for placements, work experience, graduate jobs all require you to state your first year grades and are often based off how well you did. So if you're ever tempted to sack off a lecture because 'first year doesn't count', think again because it really really really does.

3. You have to live on campus to make friends.
Living on Campus will put you in the same vicinity as a lot of other students but it is not the foolproof formula for making friends. Take it from me, I lived in halls for the whole first year and left with 2 real friends I kept in contact with (cause they were my flatmates) and a handful of people I smiled to if I saw out and about (and some that I promptly avoided). There will be plenty of chances to make friends in University, (trust me), whether or not you live on campus is not the determining factor for how many friends you will have. The closest people to me during my university days were not friends I made in halls, there were friends I made by chance so chill.

4. A  levels is harder than University.
This is probably the worst of all the myths. The most infuriating and the one that in retrospect I should have put first in the list. I remember someone telling me in A levels the only reason we pay for Uni and not A-levels is the degree and that University is a lot easier than A levels. (I wish I still spoke to them to find out how true they found this.) This is by far the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I won't even justify it with an explanation. There is a reason why they call it 'reading for a degree' and not 'reading for a A-level'. University is hard! And it is most definitely harder than A levels.

5. Freshers week is the best week of your life.
Hold it right there! Whoever propagated this myth needs to have several seats. Whilst some people will have a whale of a time in freshers week (I will admit that much), the claim that it will be the best week of your life is a grave overstatement. After preparing myself and telling myself I was going to go all out for freshers week, I was sorely and immensely disappointed. Apart from the lack of great places to go to my taste (maybe I just wasn't familiar with the good places yet), the week just fell limp and very underwhelming. Best week of my life? Most definitely not good sir. Not even Average week of my life.

I could go on and on and on about the many myths I heard prior to going to University that were just not true but I shall call it a night at this point. (It's 2am so Literally call it a night) and let you figure out the other myths for yourself.

Despite all the dreams you may have been sold about university, what I will say is that it is a heck of a place and definitely a life changing experience, (a bit much I know but humor
 me). More than anything else, just prepare for the worst, hope for the best and enjoy your time at Uni, there will be lots and lots of fun times but inevitably lots of lows so don't let it get you down.

Feel free to follow my Youtube Channel where I will be doing a University Series here!
I know this blog was very very long but thank you for bearing with me and I will see you later.
Blessing xoxox

Friday 12 August 2016

How To Get What You Want From People!

Hey Guys!

I'm back again! I told you I would see you in two weeks and here I am! I'm loving the consistency!
Today is not a long post at all! I just wanted to share a life lesson with you that has really manifested for me over the past few months. I'm a person who doesn't gel well with rejection if I'm honest. I don't particularly like it nor do I take well to other people saying no to me and because of this, I've found myself just not asking.

And whilst this seems to be a sure fire way to avoid rejection, it also means that you miss out a lot on life and what it has to offer. So many times we are too scared to ask people for things when really all we had to do is ask and we would have received. The way to get what you want from people is to ASK! Trust me it seems very silly to point that out but we tend to assume the worst in people or sometimes underestimate ourselves and in the process miss out on so many things.

I'll use myself as an example, I have a YouTube channel which you can check out here! (I know shameless self promo) and I am not a big channel by any means, I'm a little way from 600 subscribers and I wanted to do both a summer lookbook and a tasting video (both of which I will link down below of course) but as I was a small channel I doubted that any company would want to send me anything when there were Youtubers with 100 0000s of subscribers but with encouragement from my friends, I thought why not and emailed two companies, telling them about my channel and what I would like to do and how I would like to work with them and to my surprise, both companies were willing to work with me. And they genuinely sounded excited to be a part of my channel and sent me items for free to feature.

I could not believe that these established companies would even want to work with a small time YouTube like me or how easy it would be but alas it was! All i had to do was ask and it happened.

So here I am challenging you guys to be more open and just ask for what you want. You would be surprised how many people are more open than you suppose.

I will see you guys in two weeks time! Lots and lots of love. And if you want to catch up with me in the interim, you can follow me on my social media.

Twitter: Cocoa_infusions                                              Insta: Cocoa_infusion/ Intuitive_Clothing

Check out the Spanish Snacks tasting Video here!
Check out the summer lookbook Video here!

Friday 29 July 2016

5 Tips to Do Well In Your Interviews!

Hey Guys,

Graduation season is upon us and whether you're looking to get into the world of Graduate work or just needing a summer job for the mean time, interviews are an inevitable part of it. So combining research and my numerous interview experience and feedback, I've collated 5 tips to help you do well in your interview.
And whilst these tips don't guarantee you complete success, they are more likely to make you successful than if you didn't do them. For a visual representation of these tip, you can watch them on my YouTube channel here!

1. Research!
If you've ever been in the presence of someone who knows absolutely nothing and tries to blag their way through it but it's painfully obvious how little they know then you know the importance of doing your research.
You want the firm to hire you and spend lots of money training you and paying your salary, the least you can do is learn a little about them beforehand. You have no idea how well it looks on you if you walk into an interview and are able to tell the employers a lot about themselves. It looks like you care, like you made an effort and that you go the extra mile.

2. Be Personable!
People love people they get along with and who they can feel comfortable with. Someone who is a people's person and who can create lasting bonds can oftentimes be more valuable than someone with a first class degree but the personality of a fish! Most jobs nowadays will often involve human interaction so unless you are applying to work in a hole isolated from the outside work, employers want to know that you will be a positive representation of their brand.

Besides if they enjoyed the interview with you and found you pleasant, they're also more likely to remember you once the interviews are over and it's time to make a decision.

3. Dress Appropriately!
The phrase 'First impressions matter' exists for a reason, you never get a second chance to create a first impression so you need to do everything within your power to make sure that when you walk into that interview room, you are not giving them any reason to not like you. Dress like the part you are applying for. This is not a fashion show; a magazine cover or a clown park. You are here in a professional capacity, so look like you are.

Bright Makeup, lipsticks, false eyelashes, long pointy colourful nails, jeans, rumpled shirts and blazers, dirty and stained clothes all have no place in an interview. NOBODY wants to see a rumpled shirt, it looks like you didn't care enough about the interview to iron your shirt or that you are unkempt and slobby, and that is not an image you want to give your future employer! A simple shirt and black skirt/trousers is always a safe bet for any interview! Jeans are way too casual.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

4. Find your Unique Selling Point!
This is the point where you show them that if they don't hire you for this position, they will be making a huge mistake as a company. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant, you just need to make them believe that it is. What is it about you beyond your great academics (because everyone at this stage has that) or your work experience that makes you the person that they should go with. Find out what about you is so unique and then sell it to them. Is it the business you started? The Youtube Channel you upload on weekly? Your blog? The society you are president of? What is it about you that makes you a better candidate than any other person?

Find it and sell it!

5. Relax and be Confident!
There is no point being so nervous that you turn into a shivering wreck and can't bring yourself to formulate a sentence. The fact that you even made it to the interview stage is because they liked something about you out of all those that applied so play on your strengths and see it more as a conversation with people who want to get to know you. Listen to music that makes you feel confident, put yourself in a good mood and go out there to kill it.

At the end of the day, they either give you the job or not, like everything in life, its a gamble. Go in with your best foot forward and hope for the best.

And the final bonus tip is to always call back for feedback, this particular company may not have wanted you but they may give you a good reason as to why not which will then enable you to better yourself for the next interview. If you know where you went wrong in one place, you can utilize that information to be better elsewhere!

I hope this was informative and at least a little bit helpful and I wish you the best in all your interviews.

I'm back to writing blogs now and I shall ensure to be consistent from henceforth and you can expect to see a post from me every two weeks on this blog or if you head on over to my youtube channel here! I post videos on a weekly basis with similar content to the blog.

Social Media:
Twitter: Cocoa_infusions                                          Insta: Cocoa_infusion/Intuitive_Clothing

Friday 15 July 2016

Summer Outfits ||

Hey Guys!

Summer is upon us! (Although you wouldn't know it with the UK weather moodswings) and I thought I would share with you guys a few summer outfits ideas! I decided to incorporate as they are an online retailer with amazing quality for only £5! Shoes, bags, clothes, name it!
If you would like to see a visual lookbook of the clothes features here, you can check them out on my youtube channel here!

1. Ocassionwear- Black Lace Jumpsuit
 This is my absolute favorite piece from Everything5pounds- it's a black jumpsuit with a lace overlay which are tucked in in these pictures but can be seen clearly in the Lookbook.

Not only is the quality of this piece superb but it hugs my body soooooo sooo perfectly and brings you in and makes you feel like you're wearing a bodice. I'll tell you now I felt all types of sophisticated and sexy in this jumpsuit.

 It's certainly one of those outfits you need in your wardrobe for when you want to slay the hell out people. (Example 1- meeting your ex's new partner for the first time)

2. Barbecue- Print Maxi Skirt

This skirt is a popular one, the vibrant prints, the fun vibes! it's so easy to pair with other basics. You can also dress it up with heels or dress it down with sandals! It's so effortlessly chic and the best part is that its very stretchy so I got it in a size 8 even though I'm usually a size 10/12 and it still fits perfectly. The slit detail also adds that trendy in style.

3. Event - Neon Pink Laser Cutout Skirt

This skirt is so beautiful it's unreal! From the way it hugs you to the beautiful laser cut out on the hem, it's a perfect statement piece both to stand out at any event and that can be easily paired without looking like you're doing too much but you still tried. It's bodycon and literally just perfect. It is true to size and fits like a glove. The pictures don't do it enough justice but you can see the details better on the visual loobook.

4. Beach- Printed Culottes

I won't lie to you guys, I've not always been the biggest fan of culottes, I've even mocked them a couple times before. But when I saw these on the website, I thought why not give them a shot and I am IN LOVE  with these guys! Culottes are life, especially paired with great heels. They're so flattering yet stylish at the same time. I am officially a Culotte convert and just love how effortless they are to wear.

So those were the 4 items of clothing from Everything5pounds and I genuinely loved every single one of them. I chose statement pieces because I believe summer is about being vibrant and colorful and loud and I feel like all those things in these pieces! I hope you guys have a great summer and I will catch you in the next post. Lots and lots of love.

Social Media:
Twitter: Cocoa_infusions                         Insta: Cocoa_infusion/ Intuitive_Clothing

Friday 15 April 2016

You're Not Responsible For Other People!

Hey Guys,

I know what you're going to say, where the hell have i been? That's a good question but we don't have time to get into it on this post! I also have a stir fry recipe coming up for you but in the meantime, i wanted to come and quickly talk about what's been on my mind for a while.

Lately I've found myself being super concerned with other people and the choices they make with their lives. If someone claims they're a christian but their actions and words don't really display such i get super concerned and start trying to figure out why, or if someone does or believes something that i absolutely strongly disagree with, i ponder about it for a long time wondering why? But I recently realized that It's none of my damn business! People are free to think and do whatever the hell they please, it has nothing to do with me. Part of the fact that we're individuals is that we can think the way we want and do what we want. We may not necessarily agree with someone's choice or think they're doing something good, but we're not responsible for them. Its not our job to police other people and their actions. Do you and what you think is right and let others do what they think is right.

We don't have to get all up in arms about other people's chocies and way of thinking. In the end, time will reveal all. In as much as we may want the best for our friends and the people around us, we're not responsible for them.

I don't know if you completely understand my point in this post cause it's something I'm struggling with myself but comment down below if you do! And i will see you guys hopefully soon!

Check out my Youtube Channel Here!
Love you xx

Monday 4 January 2016

Go Hard For Yourself!

Hey Guys!
It's been the longest time ever and I apologize for that..there is no genuine excuse but I've been putting so much energy into my YouTube channel that the blog has taken a back seat but hopefully I'll be able to find a balance this year and should be able to get a blog out once every 2 weeks.

If you follow me on social media, you would've seen my posts about going hard for yourself this year and this is what this post will be about.


These are the 4 key principles I plan to follow this year because what i realized especially in the latter part of last year is that the minute you take control of your destiny and start pushing yourself towards your success. That is the minute you become successful. There's no need depending on others and waiting on them to help you out, go out there and help yourself out! Nobody has time to go hard for you because they're too busy going hard for themselves. Nobody has time to promote you and take you where you need to be cause they're too busy driving themselves. Sure they can give you a hand every now and then but the bottom line is nobody knows what you want like you do and that ultimately means nobody knows best how to get it like YOU.

3 Lessons

1. Don't be afraid to promote yourself every chance you get! There's no use doing this great thing if nobody knows about it. The only way they are going to know about it is if you tell them. If there is an opportunity to promote your business, brand, idea or channel..TAKE IT!

2. If noone is willing to go with you? GO ON YOUR OWN! Sorry for the excessive use of capitals, I'm getting too passionate. But don't be reliant on other people to get you where you want to go. I've wanted to write a script for a long time but because everyone i partner with doesn't want it as much as me, i keep putting it off but that's to my own detriment. If I can't find someone to commit, why don't I commit myself?

3. Challenges are okay! Will you always succeed or become successful right away? You already know the answer is no so why get discouraged when you face a challenge. So what if the growth is small? At least you're still growing! If you only get one subscriber to your channel a day, at the end of the year you would have 366! If you're not stagnant then that means your moving and if you're moving then you will eventually get there.

Thank you guys so much for sticking around. Feel free to go over to my channel and see the 10 lessons I learnt in 2015. Just click Here!

Share this post! Comment down below and sign up to the subscription to be updated about my next posts. Love you guys and see you next time!