Friday 19 August 2016

5 University/College Myths Debunked!

Hey Guys,

As you should know I am a recent Law graduate (Glory be to God) and I have a lot of knowledge to share about the rollercoaster that is University so get ready to see a few posts about that. In this post, I'm just going to be sharing with you a few myths that have always surrounded university and whether or not they turned out to be true.

1. You will find your husband/wife in University.
This is by far the biggest myth propagated about life at University. Whilst there is ample chance to meet lots of men and women in university, the chances of them being your happily ever after are very slim. This is because what noone tells you about the people at uni is that after having a somewhat restricted dating life, they are coming to university with the intention to have fun and take complete advantage of their freedom hence getting 'wifed' up is the least of their worries.
Some people do meet their life long partners at uni even if they don't know it at the time but sadly that is not the case for the majority of people so just be very aware of that.

2. First year doesn't count.
Another silly myth that is spread ever so enthusiastically. This is a dangerous myth because it suggests that you can slack off and do whatever you want in your first year and you will still be okay  and sadly this is just not true. First of all, first year actually does count for some people (yes they are unlucky i know). Secondly if you do not pass first year, honey you will find yourself out on your a** and not in second year. It's a low threshold to pass admittedly but you certainly still have to pass. And thirdly, applying for placements, work experience, graduate jobs all require you to state your first year grades and are often based off how well you did. So if you're ever tempted to sack off a lecture because 'first year doesn't count', think again because it really really really does.

3. You have to live on campus to make friends.
Living on Campus will put you in the same vicinity as a lot of other students but it is not the foolproof formula for making friends. Take it from me, I lived in halls for the whole first year and left with 2 real friends I kept in contact with (cause they were my flatmates) and a handful of people I smiled to if I saw out and about (and some that I promptly avoided). There will be plenty of chances to make friends in University, (trust me), whether or not you live on campus is not the determining factor for how many friends you will have. The closest people to me during my university days were not friends I made in halls, there were friends I made by chance so chill.

4. A  levels is harder than University.
This is probably the worst of all the myths. The most infuriating and the one that in retrospect I should have put first in the list. I remember someone telling me in A levels the only reason we pay for Uni and not A-levels is the degree and that University is a lot easier than A levels. (I wish I still spoke to them to find out how true they found this.) This is by far the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I won't even justify it with an explanation. There is a reason why they call it 'reading for a degree' and not 'reading for a A-level'. University is hard! And it is most definitely harder than A levels.

5. Freshers week is the best week of your life.
Hold it right there! Whoever propagated this myth needs to have several seats. Whilst some people will have a whale of a time in freshers week (I will admit that much), the claim that it will be the best week of your life is a grave overstatement. After preparing myself and telling myself I was going to go all out for freshers week, I was sorely and immensely disappointed. Apart from the lack of great places to go to my taste (maybe I just wasn't familiar with the good places yet), the week just fell limp and very underwhelming. Best week of my life? Most definitely not good sir. Not even Average week of my life.

I could go on and on and on about the many myths I heard prior to going to University that were just not true but I shall call it a night at this point. (It's 2am so Literally call it a night) and let you figure out the other myths for yourself.

Despite all the dreams you may have been sold about university, what I will say is that it is a heck of a place and definitely a life changing experience, (a bit much I know but humor
 me). More than anything else, just prepare for the worst, hope for the best and enjoy your time at Uni, there will be lots and lots of fun times but inevitably lots of lows so don't let it get you down.

Feel free to follow my Youtube Channel where I will be doing a University Series here!
I know this blog was very very long but thank you for bearing with me and I will see you later.
Blessing xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Great post - I really agree lool, so many myths and rumours about university just turn out to be untrue :)
