Monday 5 October 2015

Face Your Demons Head On! #LifeLesson5

Hey Guys,

Hope your all doing well, if you follow me on YouTube you'll know a lot of my efforts have been directed there recently, and if you don't, you can check out my channel here! But don't worry I'm still very much on the Lifelessons! So without further ado let's explore what number 5 is:

Face Your Demons head on!
What I've come to realize in life is that there are two ways to deal with any problem you may have. The first is to hide from it, put it away from you and hope that it goes away and the second is to face it head on, take the pain that flows from it and defeat it. Both ways may work don't get me wrong, if you ignore something long enough, you may eventually develop a resilience to it. But is it really defeated?

What may at first appear as if you have overcome something merely because you have put it out of your mind may actually be that you have just masked it. Effectively you paused the feelings, the emotions, the breakdowns it causes rather than stop it. The risk then is that when you're faced with this problem at a later date, all the turmoil and heartache it once caused may come flowing back, sometimes even worse than the first time and then you have to being the process all over again.

You could choose to handle situations that way or you can choose the slightly but more effective option which is to tackle them head on. If you choose to confront your demons and face them every day, yes it will hurt at first, yes it will break you at first but not for long because eventually it loses its power over you. It loses it's ability to offend, upset, and hurt you.

The reasons why seeing something again after a long time hurts so much is that the memories come back to haunt you full force, but if you have dealt with your emotions one by one and reasoned it away, it wouldn't hurt you so much.

I know the post is a little cryptic and may be a little hard to pinpoint but I hope some of you got something from it.

Feel free to check out the other LifeLessons:
LifeLesson1: Click Here!
LifeLesson2: Click Here!
LifeLesson3: Click Here!
LifeLesson4: Click Here!

Monday 14 September 2015

It's Not That Serious! #LifeLesson4

Hey Guys,

This is the fourth instalment in the #7Life Lessons posts I've been doing, but I'm actually enjoying this format so much, I'm thinking of just turning this blog into a LifeLessons forum lol. We'll see.

It's not that serious!

Do you find yourself sometime so deep in thought, so lost in a train of thought, that when you snap out of it, you're just like, why am I wasting time thinking about this, it's not even that serious? Yes? Well that's exactly what this post is about!

Too often in life, we waste time deliberating, weighing up, analysing, criticising, destructring, basically doing all sorts about situations which frankly don't need all of that. We dedicate so much time and mental energy to things that frankly won't matter in a few months, weeks or even days. We risk giving ourselves hypertension, depression and all other detrimental conditions by constantly dwelling on thoughts or situations that are just not that serious. Why?

I'm guilty of this myself. I'm the Analysation Queen (Nope, Analysation is not a word, Yep I'm going to use it anyway.) I can dissect the simplest thing someone says and end up getting a whole other conclusion from it. Generally I can go from point A to point Z in about 2.5 seconds and I just realised lately that it's not worth it. Half the time, I'm the only person thinking this deep and everyone else moved on a long time ago so really am I not just wasting my time?

Yes there are things you should give serious thought to, buying a house for example, picking your university degree, or other such things that change or impact your life greatly but as for the little  things? Don't stress them. Consider your options, make up your mind and just do it. It really won't matter in  few years time.

Check out the other LifeLessons so far:
LifeLesson1: Click Here!
LifeLesson2: Click Here!
LifeLesson3: Click Here!

Feel free to check out my Youtube Channel Here!

See you next time guys x

Sunday 6 September 2015

It's Okay To Fall Down #LifeLesson3

Hey Guys,

A good friend took me ice skating for the first time yesterday and I genuinely had an amazing time. I spent the 1st hour clinging desperately to the side of the rink but in the last 10 minutes I was skating completely unaided but still close to the side of course. Did I fall smack on my bum/face/hands/everywhere a couple of times? Yes! I did and a couple of little kids laughed at me. I don't blame them, I laughed at myself too. Did I keep bumping into people and getting evils from parents? Yes that also happened a few times more than I would have liked.

But the point is that I didn't really start to make progress until I became unafraid of falling. When falling no longer seemed that big a deal, I became more confident and took more risks. Which in turn gave me a greater chance of learning to skatw. The risk of falling is in every thing you do in life. If you try anything worth doing you stand the chance of failing at it. You might not like it but the quicker you accept it, the better  for you.

It's not whether you fall or not, because most likely the chances are you will, you can't help that. What you can help is whether you get back up and try again or give up and sit on the sidelines and watch other people achieve it. Did I feel embarrassed at having a large group of people see me Hi-5 the ice a few times? You already know the answer. But the embarrassment quickly dissipated when I learnt to laugh at myself and realised actually it's OKAY to fall down. It just means I'm getting closer to the goal.

Don't let your pride be the reason why you don't achieve. Fall down as many times as you need to just make sure you get back up!


Check out Life lesson 1 here!
Check out Life lesson 2 here!

For my Vlogs and Videos- Check them out here!

Friday 4 September 2015

Don't take it for granted! #LifeLesson2

Hey Guys,

Yes I know, I promised it would be a 7 day special then disappeared on the 1st day! Shame on me! Maybe it won't be everyday but I will definitely get to the 7 lessons lol. On that topic, if you haven't seen topic number one, you can check it out Here:

Today's lesson is about not taking things for granted. There are things that occur everyday that we take for granted because we don't work for it or do anything to bring it about. For example breathing, getting out of bed in the morning, sleeping etc. These are things we put no effort into doing yet achieve effortlessly. Consequently we end up taking these things for granted.  STOP!

When you find out you can no longer do these things is when you start to appreciate it and at this point it's too late. Recently I've been suffering a bout of insomnia and have not been able to sleep for God knows how long. I just stay awake thinking of the days when I would plop my head on the pillow and I'm gone. Take my word for it, you never know what you have until it's gone that's a fact.

So whether it be people, jobs, relationships, food or the basic things in life  you have come to expect, take time out to appreciate what you have because you never know when you just might lose it.


PS: For Video advice and Rants from me, click Here!

Thursday 27 August 2015

Let Them Go! #LifeLesson1

Hey Guys!

It has been the longest time, I'm going to try and post a short excerpt everyday for the next week so a #7day Life Lessons kinda situation. Partly to make up for being away for so long and partly to get me back into the spirit of Blogging!

Let them Go!

Today's post is going to be really short and it's just to encourage you guys. When it comes  to relationships, friendships, partnerships, any kind of ships or boats (see what I did there), if the other party in the ship decides to leave. Let them go! You do not need to fight, struggle, beg, plead or persuade anybody to remain in your life. There is no need. I know you've heard it before but your destiny is not tied to anybody who decides to leave you. If a friend stops putting in effort to the relationship and you try to get it back and it doesn't work? Leave them. If a guy/girl your involves with suddenly decides you're not the one any more? Asta La vista.

Should you fight for what you want/love/believe in? Absolutely! But even the greatest fights only have 12 rounds. There comes a point where your fighting isn't doing anybody any good, most especially not you. That whole let them go and if they come back to you they're yours thing really applies here. Maybe they'll come back, maybe they won't and truly letting someone go means accepting the possibility that they won't and that's alright too. Situations like that tend to work out for the best. Yes you lost them, but most times you tend to get better.

So that's pretty much it! I told you I would keep it short! By God's grace, lesson number 2 will be up tomorrow. In the mean time feel free to check out my Youtube channel, which is where all my energy and time has been going into!


Tuesday 21 July 2015

Be Yourself! Learning to love who you are. (My Youtube channel)

Hey guys!
This is just a quick short post!

I recently got myself a good quality camera to be able to take good pictures for the blog and to better my youtube channel. I'm still learning but this is my first video. Make sure to check it out. Subscribe, like and comment.

Thanks for the support in advance. ;)

Thursday 16 July 2015

Don't take it Personally!

Hey Guys,

I feel like I'm forever apologising for being MIA but sorry for not posting in a while. I've been meaning to post as there are quite a few experiences to share with you. But this one first.

Don't take it personal! Ever! You're probably wondering what I'm on about now. What I mean is that sometimes in life you expect certain people to be there for you. You swear by anything that whatever happens they will always have your back and you convince yourself that they are the one person in the world that can never let you down. (ha!) That is the biggest mistake you can possibly make because nobody is perfect. As long as they're human beings, they will always let you down. Maybe intentionally, maybe accidentally. Maybe they're going through their own crap and don't even realise what you're going through. Whatever the reason, my advice to you is not to take it personally.

It's not always about you and if you get upset every time

someone you expect to be there for you isn't, you end up giving yourself high blood pressure or hypertension or whatever because you will constantly be disappointed. Just think to yourself whenever you're in that situation, no they wasn't there for me in this particular instance but does that erase all the times they have been there for you in the past, or the times they could be in the future. Because somebody lets you down now doesn't mean they don't care about you or that it was a direct attack to you. Sometimes the person just made a mistake. Let them know how you feel if it bothers you that much and move on with your life.

Lesson #2
Which brings me to my second lesson of the post which is that you should learn to be strong for yourself. Stop relying on other people to be there for you in difficult situations because as you seen, they aren't alwas there. Nobody can care about you in the way that you can care about yourself so stop expecting them to. If you need someone to hold you, hold yourself, if you need advice, advice yourself. Whatever you are looking for in someone else, I guarantee you can provide for yourself. It will save you a lot of heartache in the future.

Until next time,
Blessing xx

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Life Reflections + My Birthday

Hey Guys,

Happy Belated birthday to me, 3rd of June is my birthday and I celebrated it with a couple of friends by going to Blackpool Pleasure beach where we spent the day. It was an amazing day and I really had fun, it is one of the simplest yet most fun birthday I have had in a while. But having reached a landmark age (at least in my opinion, a few of my friends disagree), I thought I'd do a few reflections on what I've learnt in my two decades on earth and what I hope to achieve.

Cliche as it may be, there's a quote that says ''If there's one thing I've learnt about life, it's that it goes on". Bearing this in mind, I keep trying not to take anything too personally. Life has a lot of things to throw at me, I can choose to dodge/cower or roll over and play dead at the slightest hit or I can take it head on and just deal with it. Some days I do feel like it's all too much, but recently I've come to realise that nothing in life is really that deep, and every problem seems better after a good nights sleep. In short, it is imperative to learn to embrace the things you cannot change.

 In the last 6 months leading up to my birthday, I've been in my first proper relationship and had my first proper heartbreak. Truth be sold, it sucks, it still sucks and it seems it may suck for a while still. But I know I definitely learnt a lot about myself as a person and a lot about how relationships work. I think the most important thing I've taken from my experiences so far is that you could be everything someone ever wanted and still not be enough. In terms of friendships and romantic liaisons, its important to remember that as long as I give my best, I'm not responsible nor can i control what others give me back.

With friends, I think its important not to have too high expectations of people, because people are people and they will often not be there for you when you need them or fall short of your expectations. All you can really do is look past their flaws and embrace those who truly care for you.

My general experience with this is that you get what you give, when I study really hard and put my all into something, I tend to do really well in it and when I slack and don't do as much as I should, that is also reflected in the result. But sometimes that's not always the case and you may end up sometimes putting your all into something and getting a grade that is not reflective of the effort. But what this has taught me is that academic results are not the end of the world. They are undoubtedly important but there is so much more in this world and to your intellectual ability than just merely what a piece of paper says.

I think the one thing I've picked up about life is not to let fear ever held you back from anything.  If you really want something go and get it. This applies to YouTube, making friends etc, nothing is as scary as it seems and at the end of the day, what do you really have to lose? My greatest comfort has come from thinking,  the worst thing that could happen is that people say no. They can't kill me, or harm me, all they can say is no and in retrospect that's not really so bad.

So those are the titbits of wisdom I've learnt so far, I will also share with you 5 random goals I hope to achieve in this next year of my life and will come back in a year to see if I can cross them off:

1. Start (at the very least) writing a novel.
2. Reach 300 Subscribers on youtube.
3. Learn to sew a dress.
4. Travel outside of the country.
5. Volunteer and do something to help the needy.

Speaking of YouTube, I currently reached 100 Subscribers on my YouTube channel and would appreciate if you could show your support by liking, commenting and sharing my videos and if you haven't already, please subscribe to the channel:

Until next time,

Monday 4 May 2015

How to make Jollof Rice without a blender! (New Recipe)

Hey Guys,
This has been a long time coming, but I've literally been too lazy in getting this out here, but it's  finally here now.
As a student, I didn't have a blender the whole of first year and for most of second year so I had to get super creative and one of the ways was in making Jollof rice. As you may know, you usually need a blender for making Jollof rice, but the truth is that you can actually make it without one and taste wise there is little difference. Does it taste much better with a blender? Of course it does, but when you just don't have one, this recipe is a fast and alternative way to enjoying the food you love.

Cooking time: 1hr
Feeds: 4 people (average)

A cup of Rice
1 Onion
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 small spicy pepper (Ata Rodo for my Nigerians)
1 tablespoon of Tomato puree
1 tablespoon of oil
Seasoning-(MAGGI, Parsley, dried pepper, jumbo all purpose seasoning, all purpose seasoning, a little curry powder, Jellof seasoning and a dash of salt)
** I haven't really put measurements for the seasoning as I'm the type of cook that likes to play it by taste but a half a tablespoon of everything should be fine but always taste to make sure it's to your liking.

1. Put the rice to boil, you only want to parboil the rice, not fully cook it, so make sure you don't cook it until it's completely soft, take it off the fire once its almost cooked but still resistant to your bite.
Sieve out the remaining water if there is any and wash the rice with cold water then leave to the side.

2. Next, in a different pot, put the oil in the pan, and once heated, fry the chopped onions and chopped spicy small pepper. (this is really spicy so be sure you can handle it befoe you mess with it) You can also fry this along with some chopped fresh tomatoes.

3. After 2 minutes, open the can of chopped tomatoes and pour into the pot. Use the wooden spoon to break the bits up into as small pieces as possible and allow to start cooking.

 After about 10-15 minutes, start adding your seasoning, it doesn't really matter what order you add them in, but make sure you taste it regularly to make sure it's not too salty or too spicy etc.

4, Leave to continue cooking for about 10 minutes, then pour in the rice. Stir in the rice, adding tomato puree if the  consistency is too watery. The tomato puree may not be needed. The rice should not completely fill up the tomato sauce as this will leave you with light orange rather than bright orange rice and the tomato should not be too much otherwise the finished product will be  too soggy. Consistency is essential with this method.
 5. Leave the rice to boil, cover with a piece of foil to allow it to steam, make sure to check it regularly to avoid it burning to the bottom of the pan and to avoid it being overly soggy.

**You can use any type of rice  you wish but from experience (and I have had a lot of failed attempts believe me, long grain rice usually works best with this method.) You can of course use basmati also but there is risk of the rice becoming mushy if cooked for too long. (Under no circumstances must you use cheap 40p rice  from morrisons/asda, it will be the worst mistake of your life)
Hope you guys enjoyed the recipe, Let me know how it turns out for you. Remember to comment below, subscribe to the channel and share!

Until next time,
Blessing. xx

Friday 24 April 2015

Learning to say NO! (Breaking the curse of the people pleaser)

Hey guys!

I'm back with a new post, and this one is titled learning to say no!
Now I am definitely a people pleaser, I can deny it all I want but it is evident that displeasing people makes me uncomfortable so even when it's not something i quite want to do I find myself going along with it just because i find saying no a bigger deal than it really is. consequently, I find myself in a lot of situations where I'm like 'what the hell am i doing here' 'this was a terrible idea' 'can I just sneak out'.

If you're a people pleaser as well, this will sound familiar. Well today I decided I'm going to break that habit and believe me you will too. Gone are the days when you will accept invitations/proposals out of fear of hurting the other persons feelings.

1. You have one life, it's yours not theirs so whatever choices you make in it are 100% yours. 
Nobody and I mean nobody has a right to make your life choices for you, unless you're making theirs for them which as a people pleaser i highly doubt you are. Do you want to spend most of your life regretting doing things you never wanted to do? No you don't, so don't do things you never wanted to do.

2. It's not rude to say NO!
often times you may get scared that saying no may come across as rude, but trust me it really isn't. you only have 24 hours in a day, at least 6 of those are spent with you sleeping, you simply don't have the time to take on commitments you're not committed to. A reasonable person would understand this. As long as you decline politely, it is not rude and they will respect you more for having a plan to which you stick to.

3. Recognise that sometimes people will try to manipulate you.
There are people who when they become aware that you always say yes, will always use this to their advantage even if it's to your detriment. Weed this people out and make a point of saying no to them. People who always ask you for things aren't necessarily bad or selfish people, they're just people with their own best interests at heart. so why don't you reciprocate and have your own best interests too.

4. Be firm!
Don't say maybe when you really mean no,all that does is prolong the disappointment period. Don't say yes then later just disappear, it makes you look unreliable and flaky. Do not leave any room for them to try and change your mind, if you say 'I'm sorry I'm busy this week', they could then suggest next week. if its something you really don't want to do, don't leave gaps for them to change your mind. state firmly then apologise.

5. Basically remember its your life and you will have to live whatever consequences may arise. It's okay to be a little selfish sometimes. ask yourself these questions if you're ever indecisive:
-am I actually the best person to do this job?
-do I actually have time to do this or will I be sacrificing something important to me?
-does this add any value to my life?

If the answer to all three is no, then repeat that same answer to the person asking,

Make sure you comment and share the post and make sure you subscribe to the Blog.

Until next time,

Monday 6 April 2015

Regrets, Regrets, Regrets! Dealing with Regret!

Firstly let me apologise for my MIA  movements, I have been away too long I'm aware, but I'm hopefully back now Got a Jollof rice recipe coming up and a belated Easter post but before all of that, I wanted to make a quick post about something that's been hitting very close to home recently.

Regrets! I think this is one of the most common issues  people have to deal with and it's something I've had to deal with this past couple of weeks. Sometimes in life you do something that you wish with all your might that you could take back, something you regret and wish you hadn't done. It can range from a small thing like lying to a friend, to cheating to quitting your job to something big like killing someone. (I really hope you didn't kill anyone.) But you get the gist, some actions you take in life are irreversible and you will forever be forced to live with their consequences.

Herego, the situation I'm in now. But in the midst of my revelry( I hope I used that word right) and wallowing and wishing I could take back what I did, I came up with some thoughts that really helped me through and made me feel better about dealing with the Regrets. So I thought I would share them with you.

1. It's okay to mess up.
You're a human being and naturally by nature, human beings are fallible. You will make plenty of mistakes in your lifetime. I'm sure this wasn't the first time and believe me when I tell you it won't be the last time either, try not to beat yourself up too much.

2. Whatever was meant to happen, happened.
As Cliché as it may be, everything genuinely does happen for a reason, Nothing ever happens that wasn't supposed to, I can't tell you the reason why and you may actually never know the reason. As a matter of fact, the reason may just be that you were stupid and made a mistake but that in itself is a reason.

3. You can always learn from it.
Back to my 'big regret' again. When I got past all the being upset and what not, I actually realised that I have definitely learnt from this experience and it has definitely made me wiser for the future. Mistakes and regrets are definitely one way in which we learn, a brutal way, I'll give you that, but by God do we learn.

There are many more words I could tell you but ultimately you just have to pick yourself up and deal with the fact that what's done is done. You cannot rewind time nor sumo-dive back into the past. So leave the past where it belongs and focus on making better decisions tomorrow.

And remember, that you are never alone. Make  sure you talk to someone, nothing brought me out of the misery I was in quicker than having friends who care so much about me there to support and encourage me.

Until next time...

Sunday 22 February 2015

Perfect Imperfections- It's okay to be 'Messed up'

Hey Guys,

Happy belated valentines day...I hope you had a great time, I know I certainly did. But in the spirit of relationships, it got me thinking.

There's a certain someone I was seeing and when I was getting to know them, I kept finding out all these things about them and their past and I remember my first thought being 'Damn, they've got a lot of baggage, can I handle that?' And it did genuinely occur to me that maybe I was better off without this person;s drama.

Then I took a step back and thought but wait a minute..I'm not perfect myself! I have a past, especially ones that make me put up walls and guards and push people away even when their intentions are good. I have attitudes and behaviours that make it hard to get to me. If someone can look past all of my 'baggage' and willing make an attempt to get to know me, who am I to write someone off because of theirs.

Basically, no one is perfect, no one comes into our lives free from strings of past attachments, or emotional drama or problems. Everyone has some issues they;re dealing with, granted some people more than others and maybe some people know how to hide it more than others. Nevertheless the fact that someone has baggage doesn't mean your relationship need be any less amazing. Sometimes broken pieces can fit perfectly.

Maybe you're that someone that person needs, the ray of sunshine in their otherwise dreary life, maybe the both of you coming together can lift some of the baggage from them and make their lives happier and freer. The point is you never know until you look past your judgemental attitude and give them a chance.

The next time you're tempted to say 'They've got too much baggage, think to yourself, Am I really perfect myself?

After all We;re all a little messed up...That's the joy of life. If we were all perfect and there was nothing wrong with us, life would be a whole lot easier but way more boring. It;s the messed up part of us that makes life more interesting
and fulfilling.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Modelling Scams! Beware!

Guess who's back??

Hey Guys, so yes it has been a while, and I know this post won't be relevant to all of you but if  you have any sisters, girlfriends, friends who are or trying to get into modelling, this may be useful for them.

Basically, I have been the victim of unlimited, uncountable instances of this trend. The thing is I'm just about 5,7 and I have the kind of body shape which although draws plenty attention in the club is not exactly what the modelling world would call perfect. Basically I'm not tall and slim, so I should have known becoming a model would not be easy but in my naive mind when they told me I was gorgeous and this and that, I let myself believe the lies and that is all they are...Lies!

There are now 'modelling agencies' everywhere who will post an ad on gumtree, the internet, or even have websites where you send in a picture of you and they call you telling you you're everything they want and they will get you plenty of jobs. Sounds great right? No, they tell you they have so many jobs lined up only for them to tell you  you just need a portfolio first. Magically they always have their own personal photographer that YOU have to use because they never trust anybody else. Long story short, you go for some crappy photo-shoot, you pay over money and you never hear from them again.

I have been subject to so many of these, I feel so ashamed to even tell you how much, having spent over £1200. All I ended up with was a bunch of pictures that each new 'agency' would say is not professional enough. 

1. You never need to pay to join a reputable modelling agency. If you have to pay, think twice.

2. It is more likely that modelling agencies will discover you themselves, if you had to send your picture in to some dodgy website, think twice.

3. scope the environment when you go in...if it looks unprofessional and it's just 2 or 3 people in a warehouse office, think would a reputable agency capable of getting me loads of work have such a crap office. 

4. Portfolio is not built in a day, all you need are some good natural head shots and poses to sell yourself. Portfolios are supposed to show your versatility, this wont be portrayed through just one shoot.

Basically just be careful, if someone is offering you something which seems to good to be true, chances are it is actually too good to be true.  
There are so many of these scam agencies in London especially but also in Manchester, feel free to hit me up, I'll gladly give you their names. 
Better to be rejected from a reputable company than swindled by these fortune hunting scammers.

 I put in some of the pictures I ended up in various photoshoots, they were never good enough and I always had to take some new ones.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

The 'I don't want a relationship' excuse AKA The Commitment Phobe

Hey Guys!

So I'm back on youtubing again!!! I started it way back when but just got lazy cause it requires so much effort but as part of my NY resolution, I'm back and I've already posted a new video. I'll leave the link below and make sure to check me out. Like, comment and subscribe.

So, we all know that guy/girl right, you're seeing them, everything is going well, you think this could be going somewhere, then they drop that 'I'm just not ready for a relationship' line. This line can come in various forms, for example:

I don't want a relationship right now...if I did, it would deffo be with you, I just don't.
I'm too busy with school/work/mymusic, and a relationship would distract me
I'm still hurting from my last relationship (this was about 2 years ago) and I don't want to jump in another one.

It doesn't matter how it's phrased, the bottom line is the person wants to have the benefits of a relationship with you but they don't want to be in a relationship with you. What do I advice?

RUN! RUN NOW! Don't put on your shoes, don't take your bag, just run. Only 1 in 35 people who use this excuse mean it. (I made that up but still), the other 34 are selling you dreams.  (Lying). Men are hunters by nature, when they see something, they go for it, they won't waste time faffing around because he won't want anyone to get a chance to have you. Work is not an excuse because nobody works 24/7, past relationships are not good enough if there has been sufficient time between them.

Girls also know what they want, and they wont play around with a guy that they want because they know there are plenty single girls out there waiting to take him so if she's claiming she's not ready, boy RUN!

When they're saying I don't want a relationship, what they really mean, is I don't want a relationship with YOU, trust me when someone meets someone they REALLY like, they will not hesitate in cuffing them immediately. Don't be the girl/guy who stuck around and waited for someone to be ready just to find out he met someone he finally decided he could commit to and asked her out straight away.

If someone says they have a fear of commitment, do this simple test to see if it's really true:
1. Do they have a phone contract (that about 2 yearsthere) if he can enter a 2 year commitment then why cant he commit to you? He doesn't want to!
2. Does he support a football team. Football fans are LOYAL! their team will lose every game of the season and they'll still be loyal. He has the ability to commit. just not to you.

Just remember Beyonce, Obama, Chris Brown all have 'busy' lives and they can still manage to find time to be in a relationship so what position exactly does this guy/girl hold? My dear don't be a learner!

Ofc these are my opinions based on my experiences and you may have a different view so feel free to comment below and tell me what you think.

Youtube channel:

Saturday 17 January 2015

Why making people jealous never really works!

Hey Guys,

So I'm going to tell you a short story:

There was a girl and a boy, they liked each other,
started getting to know each other and started seeing each other,
one day they were together in a big group of friends,
Their relationship wasn't official yet so the guy didn't show any affection towards her,
he treated her like every other girl in the room,
she didn't like this so went to her room with his friend to talk,
it was purely friendly and their conversation was platonic
but she knew in the back of her mind, he would be disturbed.
When they came downstairs, she could see he was miffed,
but she acted cool, as if nothing was amiss,
he acted cool too and they started speaking again.
Only for her to find him being inappropriate with another girl,
she told him what she had saw and he reminded her she had just been upstairs with his friend,
making her think he wanted her to see him with another girl and feel the way he previously felt. 

In order to get back at him, she called another guy in his earshot
laughing and giggling, making his head turn.
The next time they went out as a group, he kissed another girl,
Right in front of her, he made the girl twirl.
Humiliated and embarrassed, the girl vowed she was done.
Believing he had only wanted her for fun.
Their relationship deteriorated and what was once sweet, became bitter. 

There is a break in the story because everything after that break was fictitious, everything before it are true life events. I put the fictitious paragraph in to tell you how quickly something that started off platonic and harmless could escalate in you losing the chance to have something real.

When you try to make people jealous, it doesn't work because 9 times out of 10 (made up statistic), they only try to make you jealous too and so the cycle begins until one of you ends up going too far and hurting the other person. Pride then kicks in, preventing you from addressing the original situation. 

You end up playing the blame game, you did this, yes because you did this, yes but that was only because you did this. When you could've spent all that time you spent arguing, being with each other. Of course there is also the possibility that the person doesn't even get jealous and instead just decides you're not worth it. In which case you find yourself in a lose-lose situation.

The point of the post? When you feel the urge to make someone jealous, think to yourself 'is it really worth it? If he retaliated, would I be able to handle it or would it hurt me more than I would be willing to admit? If you're the one on the receiving ends of these antics, rather than retaliate, why not tackle them first and let them know what they did wasn't right?

Comment below what you think and don't forget to share and subscribe.
Remember to Guard your heart Guys!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate!

Hey Guys!

So me and my house mate decided to watch a movie yesterday and she chose the movie 'A thin line between love and hate' featuring Martin Lawrence as  the main lead. (SPOILER ALERT)

A quick synopsis of the movie is that Lawrence is a player and he has many girls none of which he's particularly committed to. but he has a childhood friend that appears to be some sort of romantic interest. One day him and his friends sees a beautiful woman and they bet that he couldn't sleep with her. ($20- really??). Anyway, he keeps trying but it's clear she has issues so he pretends to lose interest, so she calls him back and tells him that she can't get hurt again and that can she trust him and does he love her? He says yes and makes her believe he's here to stay. Half way through she tells him she killed her ex-husband because he was abusive and rather than run for the hills like a normal human, he decides to stay and continue his nefarious antics. The next day she takes him shopping, buys him a new car, new clothes and tells him to come for dinner cause it's her birthday, rather than do this, he proclaims his love for his childhood friend, They spend the night together and he wakes up to find a cake with a knife with it outside the door. Long story short, they go on a crazy whirlwind where she almost kills him and the rest of the cast ofthe movie.

I know my brief description wasn't that brief, but here's the point of this post.
1. It is undeniable that she had some strong psychological issues but I will never understand how he could possibly think nothing was going to come of the way he treated her. You CHASED her for weeks, MADE her fall for you, made her trust you, sleep with her then turn around and decide now you wanna be serious with someone else then you wonder why they hell she went crazy. In my opinion that was HIS fault. She gave him a warning. How can someone tell you they killed their ex-husband and you stay in their bed? How is that normal? Where are your survival instincts?

2. In the end, they were thanking God for him having survived and making her out like she was wrong all along. But I personally think, what he did was GRAVELY  wrong, why should he not only not have to pay any consequences for it but also get the girl of his dreams. She did nothing but mind her business, yet he shattered her world with a bag of lies but in the end, she lost everything and the movie made it seem like Lawrence was the hero in all of this.

3. It took her having a gun to his head for him to finally apologise for the disgusting way in which he treated her. He didn't apologise when he told her he didn't want her, he didn't apologise when she saw him with someone else. He was just going to up and leave out of a psychotic woman's life. Rookie Mistake. The least he could have done was say the words sorry and the fact that he didn't think to do that till she almost blew his head off just added salt to injury.

My main point is so many Guys nowadays are walking around with this Martin Lawrence attitude. Treating girls anyhow and thinking ahh well, they'll be just fine. If they're not careful, they may just end up with a reality check like this crazy woman.

Leave your comments below,
What is your opinion?

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Boxing Day Sales- How I styled these heels!

Happy New Year Guys,

Sorry it's coming so late, Revision is getting the most of my attention lately but I couldn't resist making this post! So as per usual tradition and custom, me and my sister went out for the boxing day sales and initially I was quite disappointed, River Island, Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, none of them had anything that attracted me. On my way home, I decided to branch into Matalan and I was pleasantly surprised. EVERYTHING was on sales! They had the most gorgeous things, shoes, dresses, everything for terribly cheap prices. My sister will testify that I was over the moon. I'm not afraid to say I definitely went crazy and probably embarrassed her a little.

Though I knew Matalan had great quality items, I usually associated them with older people, but this was not so. I got myself a lovely red dress, 3 pairs of shoes, some playsuits for me and my sister, something for the parents,some underwear, about 3 tops, all for under £70. But of all my purchases, these babies were my absolute favourite!

I saw them and fell in love! Just fell in love and had to wear them to church on the first Sunday of the year. This is how I styled them; I initially wanted to wear them with some leather pants and a white tee but I think they worked well with this dress as well. The best part about the shoes is they're only £7!!!!! Yes that's right! Plus they're quite comfortable for ankle strap heels so it's a win win.
Drop a comment and let me know what you think or how you would have styled them. And don't forget to follow and share!

Dress: Boohoo      
Blazer: Primark