Sunday 22 February 2015

Perfect Imperfections- It's okay to be 'Messed up'

Hey Guys,

Happy belated valentines day...I hope you had a great time, I know I certainly did. But in the spirit of relationships, it got me thinking.

There's a certain someone I was seeing and when I was getting to know them, I kept finding out all these things about them and their past and I remember my first thought being 'Damn, they've got a lot of baggage, can I handle that?' And it did genuinely occur to me that maybe I was better off without this person;s drama.

Then I took a step back and thought but wait a minute..I'm not perfect myself! I have a past, especially ones that make me put up walls and guards and push people away even when their intentions are good. I have attitudes and behaviours that make it hard to get to me. If someone can look past all of my 'baggage' and willing make an attempt to get to know me, who am I to write someone off because of theirs.

Basically, no one is perfect, no one comes into our lives free from strings of past attachments, or emotional drama or problems. Everyone has some issues they;re dealing with, granted some people more than others and maybe some people know how to hide it more than others. Nevertheless the fact that someone has baggage doesn't mean your relationship need be any less amazing. Sometimes broken pieces can fit perfectly.

Maybe you're that someone that person needs, the ray of sunshine in their otherwise dreary life, maybe the both of you coming together can lift some of the baggage from them and make their lives happier and freer. The point is you never know until you look past your judgemental attitude and give them a chance.

The next time you're tempted to say 'They've got too much baggage, think to yourself, Am I really perfect myself?

After all We;re all a little messed up...That's the joy of life. If we were all perfect and there was nothing wrong with us, life would be a whole lot easier but way more boring. It;s the messed up part of us that makes life more interesting
and fulfilling.

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