Monday 5 October 2015

Face Your Demons Head On! #LifeLesson5

Hey Guys,

Hope your all doing well, if you follow me on YouTube you'll know a lot of my efforts have been directed there recently, and if you don't, you can check out my channel here! But don't worry I'm still very much on the Lifelessons! So without further ado let's explore what number 5 is:

Face Your Demons head on!
What I've come to realize in life is that there are two ways to deal with any problem you may have. The first is to hide from it, put it away from you and hope that it goes away and the second is to face it head on, take the pain that flows from it and defeat it. Both ways may work don't get me wrong, if you ignore something long enough, you may eventually develop a resilience to it. But is it really defeated?

What may at first appear as if you have overcome something merely because you have put it out of your mind may actually be that you have just masked it. Effectively you paused the feelings, the emotions, the breakdowns it causes rather than stop it. The risk then is that when you're faced with this problem at a later date, all the turmoil and heartache it once caused may come flowing back, sometimes even worse than the first time and then you have to being the process all over again.

You could choose to handle situations that way or you can choose the slightly but more effective option which is to tackle them head on. If you choose to confront your demons and face them every day, yes it will hurt at first, yes it will break you at first but not for long because eventually it loses its power over you. It loses it's ability to offend, upset, and hurt you.

The reasons why seeing something again after a long time hurts so much is that the memories come back to haunt you full force, but if you have dealt with your emotions one by one and reasoned it away, it wouldn't hurt you so much.

I know the post is a little cryptic and may be a little hard to pinpoint but I hope some of you got something from it.

Feel free to check out the other LifeLessons:
LifeLesson1: Click Here!
LifeLesson2: Click Here!
LifeLesson3: Click Here!
LifeLesson4: Click Here!