Friday 12 August 2016

How To Get What You Want From People!

Hey Guys!

I'm back again! I told you I would see you in two weeks and here I am! I'm loving the consistency!
Today is not a long post at all! I just wanted to share a life lesson with you that has really manifested for me over the past few months. I'm a person who doesn't gel well with rejection if I'm honest. I don't particularly like it nor do I take well to other people saying no to me and because of this, I've found myself just not asking.

And whilst this seems to be a sure fire way to avoid rejection, it also means that you miss out a lot on life and what it has to offer. So many times we are too scared to ask people for things when really all we had to do is ask and we would have received. The way to get what you want from people is to ASK! Trust me it seems very silly to point that out but we tend to assume the worst in people or sometimes underestimate ourselves and in the process miss out on so many things.

I'll use myself as an example, I have a YouTube channel which you can check out here! (I know shameless self promo) and I am not a big channel by any means, I'm a little way from 600 subscribers and I wanted to do both a summer lookbook and a tasting video (both of which I will link down below of course) but as I was a small channel I doubted that any company would want to send me anything when there were Youtubers with 100 0000s of subscribers but with encouragement from my friends, I thought why not and emailed two companies, telling them about my channel and what I would like to do and how I would like to work with them and to my surprise, both companies were willing to work with me. And they genuinely sounded excited to be a part of my channel and sent me items for free to feature.

I could not believe that these established companies would even want to work with a small time YouTube like me or how easy it would be but alas it was! All i had to do was ask and it happened.

So here I am challenging you guys to be more open and just ask for what you want. You would be surprised how many people are more open than you suppose.

I will see you guys in two weeks time! Lots and lots of love. And if you want to catch up with me in the interim, you can follow me on my social media.

Twitter: Cocoa_infusions                                              Insta: Cocoa_infusion/ Intuitive_Clothing

Check out the Spanish Snacks tasting Video here!
Check out the summer lookbook Video here!

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