Friday 29 July 2016

5 Tips to Do Well In Your Interviews!

Hey Guys,

Graduation season is upon us and whether you're looking to get into the world of Graduate work or just needing a summer job for the mean time, interviews are an inevitable part of it. So combining research and my numerous interview experience and feedback, I've collated 5 tips to help you do well in your interview.
And whilst these tips don't guarantee you complete success, they are more likely to make you successful than if you didn't do them. For a visual representation of these tip, you can watch them on my YouTube channel here!

1. Research!
If you've ever been in the presence of someone who knows absolutely nothing and tries to blag their way through it but it's painfully obvious how little they know then you know the importance of doing your research.
You want the firm to hire you and spend lots of money training you and paying your salary, the least you can do is learn a little about them beforehand. You have no idea how well it looks on you if you walk into an interview and are able to tell the employers a lot about themselves. It looks like you care, like you made an effort and that you go the extra mile.

2. Be Personable!
People love people they get along with and who they can feel comfortable with. Someone who is a people's person and who can create lasting bonds can oftentimes be more valuable than someone with a first class degree but the personality of a fish! Most jobs nowadays will often involve human interaction so unless you are applying to work in a hole isolated from the outside work, employers want to know that you will be a positive representation of their brand.

Besides if they enjoyed the interview with you and found you pleasant, they're also more likely to remember you once the interviews are over and it's time to make a decision.

3. Dress Appropriately!
The phrase 'First impressions matter' exists for a reason, you never get a second chance to create a first impression so you need to do everything within your power to make sure that when you walk into that interview room, you are not giving them any reason to not like you. Dress like the part you are applying for. This is not a fashion show; a magazine cover or a clown park. You are here in a professional capacity, so look like you are.

Bright Makeup, lipsticks, false eyelashes, long pointy colourful nails, jeans, rumpled shirts and blazers, dirty and stained clothes all have no place in an interview. NOBODY wants to see a rumpled shirt, it looks like you didn't care enough about the interview to iron your shirt or that you are unkempt and slobby, and that is not an image you want to give your future employer! A simple shirt and black skirt/trousers is always a safe bet for any interview! Jeans are way too casual.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

4. Find your Unique Selling Point!
This is the point where you show them that if they don't hire you for this position, they will be making a huge mistake as a company. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant, you just need to make them believe that it is. What is it about you beyond your great academics (because everyone at this stage has that) or your work experience that makes you the person that they should go with. Find out what about you is so unique and then sell it to them. Is it the business you started? The Youtube Channel you upload on weekly? Your blog? The society you are president of? What is it about you that makes you a better candidate than any other person?

Find it and sell it!

5. Relax and be Confident!
There is no point being so nervous that you turn into a shivering wreck and can't bring yourself to formulate a sentence. The fact that you even made it to the interview stage is because they liked something about you out of all those that applied so play on your strengths and see it more as a conversation with people who want to get to know you. Listen to music that makes you feel confident, put yourself in a good mood and go out there to kill it.

At the end of the day, they either give you the job or not, like everything in life, its a gamble. Go in with your best foot forward and hope for the best.

And the final bonus tip is to always call back for feedback, this particular company may not have wanted you but they may give you a good reason as to why not which will then enable you to better yourself for the next interview. If you know where you went wrong in one place, you can utilize that information to be better elsewhere!

I hope this was informative and at least a little bit helpful and I wish you the best in all your interviews.

I'm back to writing blogs now and I shall ensure to be consistent from henceforth and you can expect to see a post from me every two weeks on this blog or if you head on over to my youtube channel here! I post videos on a weekly basis with similar content to the blog.

Social Media:
Twitter: Cocoa_infusions                                          Insta: Cocoa_infusion/Intuitive_Clothing

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