Monday 4 January 2016

Go Hard For Yourself!

Hey Guys!
It's been the longest time ever and I apologize for that..there is no genuine excuse but I've been putting so much energy into my YouTube channel that the blog has taken a back seat but hopefully I'll be able to find a balance this year and should be able to get a blog out once every 2 weeks.

If you follow me on social media, you would've seen my posts about going hard for yourself this year and this is what this post will be about.


These are the 4 key principles I plan to follow this year because what i realized especially in the latter part of last year is that the minute you take control of your destiny and start pushing yourself towards your success. That is the minute you become successful. There's no need depending on others and waiting on them to help you out, go out there and help yourself out! Nobody has time to go hard for you because they're too busy going hard for themselves. Nobody has time to promote you and take you where you need to be cause they're too busy driving themselves. Sure they can give you a hand every now and then but the bottom line is nobody knows what you want like you do and that ultimately means nobody knows best how to get it like YOU.

3 Lessons

1. Don't be afraid to promote yourself every chance you get! There's no use doing this great thing if nobody knows about it. The only way they are going to know about it is if you tell them. If there is an opportunity to promote your business, brand, idea or channel..TAKE IT!

2. If noone is willing to go with you? GO ON YOUR OWN! Sorry for the excessive use of capitals, I'm getting too passionate. But don't be reliant on other people to get you where you want to go. I've wanted to write a script for a long time but because everyone i partner with doesn't want it as much as me, i keep putting it off but that's to my own detriment. If I can't find someone to commit, why don't I commit myself?

3. Challenges are okay! Will you always succeed or become successful right away? You already know the answer is no so why get discouraged when you face a challenge. So what if the growth is small? At least you're still growing! If you only get one subscriber to your channel a day, at the end of the year you would have 366! If you're not stagnant then that means your moving and if you're moving then you will eventually get there.

Thank you guys so much for sticking around. Feel free to go over to my channel and see the 10 lessons I learnt in 2015. Just click Here!

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