Thursday 23 October 2014

Breaking Bad habits!!

Hey guys!! 

I am feeling amazing today! Why is this? Because this is the 5th day on which I am chocolate free. Don't think I'm exaggerating when I tell you I am addicted to chocolate, I actually am. I can eat this brown devil every single hour of every single day and still not get tired of it, I am in LOVE!! But I am no stranger to the dangers of stuffing my face and body with such a high dose of sugar so as part of my weight loss journey I decided I was going to try and give up chocolate for at least a week.

If I'm completely honest, I never thought I would get this far and I won't lie to you, on the second day I went in to Tesco's and bought a massive tube of Smarties and a family sized Cadbury bar but I summoned strength from somewhere and refrained from eating them but let me tell you now, it is most definitely not easy. So to commemorate this impressive milestone in my life (I'm 100% serious), I decided to do a 5 tips to breaking bad or maybe even good habits!

1. Have someone who is holding you accountable!!
I could not do this without my flatmate's support! Literally the only reason I didn't end up eating the Smarties bar is because she took them and hid them from me. Any time I get weak or start rolling on the floor begging for chocolate, she's there to slap some sense into my head. (Sometimes literally, and she doesn't hit lightly either.)

2. Find a replacement.
Constantly knowing you're missing something will only make it more likely for you to go back to that thing. If you have something else taking it's place, it'll take you longer to notice that there is actually something missing. And if the thing you're trying to give up is bad make sure you replace it with something healthy so you're not just swapping bad for bad. Eat a carrot!

3. Going cold turkey doesn't always work.
If you're body is so used to having something every single day, you telling it NO will not go down well and in some cases it won't go down at all. Trust me on this one. The craziness I've displayed for my house mates because of this chocolate business is enough to make them hate me. If you can't go cold turkey, why not try reducing the amount. you eat. If you have 5 a day, try 3 a day, then 1 a day till gradually none. 

4. It's mind over body.
The addiction or bad habit is mainly in your head and thus is mainly about self control. If you're determined mentally to refrain from doing something, your body is more likely to follow your lead. Control your mind and you can control your body. Ultimately it's a matter of self control, try and exercise it!

3. Be easy on yourself!
Addiction is not the end of the world! Neither is a bad habit. Breaking it is a journey and it's okay to slip up along the way. If you are quitting cold turkey like me, it's okay if you slip up sometimes, what matters is that  you get yourself back up and start again! If you don't give in, great, but even if you do that shouldn't stop you from trying again.