Friday 5 December 2014

The importance of knowing your self worth!

Hey Guys,

Recently, me and my friend was talking about what we learnt from this year and I mentioned that mine was growth and essentially self awareness/knowledge. In 2014, I came to understand the person that is me. I realised my strengths, my weaknesses, my good points, my bad points, the way I think and the person I am. But more importantly was that I gained a high level of  self worth. 

What do I mean by self worth?
In a nutshell it's who you are. What you do and don't deserve. What you should and shouldn't put up with. Knowing yourself worth means you don't let others take advantage of you, it means  you see yourself as someone who is worth a lot, someone who is valuable and who others need to make effort to get into their lives.

Realising my self worth has meant realising that:
1. I am beautiful- you're opinion of whether I am beautiful or not does not decide whether I am            beautiful or not. I decide that and I say that I am therefore I am.
2. The horrible and hurtful things that people have done to me is a reflection on who they are and not on me. I did not deserve the way they treated me and I need not feel bad nor blame myself for that.
3. If someone treats me like an option, they are not worthy of me and I will make the choice even easier for them by cutting myself off.
4. If someone has lost me, It's their loss and in the not too distant future, it will hit them that they truly focked up.
5. What others say about you is none of your business. How you react to it on the other hand, is. It can't affect you until you make ot decision to let it. So don't let it.

I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the message. Know who you are first, accept it, love it, then go about practising it. Don't let people treat you like you are garbage on their shoes or like you should be privileged to encounter them .I don't think so. 

See yourself as a King/Queen and then act like it. The queen doesn't feel honoured to talk to you so why should I feel honoured that you're talking to me. 

Remember to Guard your heart Guys.

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