Wednesday 24 December 2014

Short hair on a Round face!

Hey Guys!

So you know the new year is always here so I was exploring and thinking of new ways to have my hair. The thing is I have a pretty round face (at least I think so) with a very wide smile so I've always stuck to the conventional hair past my shoulders, thick full hair kinda thing but just this week, I was in between hair styles and my mama suggested I try a pixie cut, I was like are you kidding? (I didn't actually say that to my African mum) My face is too round, I'd have to pout permanently to look decent but I tried it anyway and was pleasantly surprised. I got so much compliments and I think it really suits me. I'm thinking of making it my permanent hairstyle.

I guess it just goes to show that even if you're not completely sure on something or doubting if it'll work, give it a go and you never know, you may be pleasantly surprised like I was.

 Me with normal hair

too scared to smile incase it doesn't bang!
Which do you prefer? Do you think it suits my face? Or am I just decieving myself?
Comment below and don't forget to subscribe ;)


  1. The short pixie cut really suits you! It is great that you gave it a go. Like you say it is worth trying or you will never know. I have thought about trying a pixie cut before, but had the same worries, I didn't know if it would suit my face, and it's a hairstyle you really cannot hide behind.

    1. Thanks! Definitely try it out, or maybe try a wig first just to see! But you have to be absolutely sure it's right as like you said, there is nowhere to hide! x
