Tuesday 19 June 2012

Introductionary :p

Hey, my name is blessing and this is my blog. I've always felt that there was a need for me to put my thoughts feelings and advice out there. Partly to help people who are in my situation, partly to release whatever emotion is building up inside me and partly because I'm a queen and I can do whatever I like. 

The point is, this is where I rant, advice, warn, encourage, support and grow. I'm not perfect, nobody is. But as I learn and become more wise,  I'm going to be sharing that with you first hand. From recipes to beauty posts (not that many of these if I'm honest) to life advice, I'm gonna lay it all down for you. 

Don't forget to comment, share and most importantly subscribe. 
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13382377/?claim=smhme7yjx5x">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> Muah xx


  1. Welcome to blogging Blessing. Nice posts u have

    1. Thank you so muchh! It's easier than i thought it would be haha
